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Attending Salisbury district hospital

Contact details

Salisbury District Hospital
Wiltshire SP2 8BJ

For main reception / general enquires
01722 336 262

For customer care
0800 374 208


Appointment reminders

Salisbury Hospital has started sending text messages to remind people to attend their hospital appointments. Before this can be done, people need to provide the hospital with their mobile telephone number. If you agree to be contacted in this way, please give your mobile phone number to staff next time you go to the hospital and this can be recorded for future use. If you do not want to be contacted in this way, your treatment and care will not be affected. Please remember to let your doctor and the hospital know if any of your details have changed so that you can be contacted if necessary.

Coming to hospital for an outpatient appointment

Car parks

You will be sent details about your appointment which should include the date, time and location of your appointment as well as a map of the hospital site. The main car park for patients is Car Park number 8 – this is a pay and display car park (although there is no charge for people who are disabled badge holders). We suggest you allow good time to park your car, to buy a ticket and to find your way to the right department.

If you need to visit the hospital frequently, you may wish to purchase a weekly parking permit for the hospital car parks. A permit costs £12.00 and is valid for one week from its date of issue and can be purchased by patients and visitors. Please ask the receptionist or ward clerk for further details.

Public transport

There is a frequent bus service between the centre of Salisbury and the hospital. Please be aware that there are several bus stops around the hospital site – you could face a very long walk if you do not get off the bus at the correct stop.

Your appointment

It is possible that you may not see your consultant at each visit to hospital, but you will be seen by a member of their team. Please report to the reception desk when you arrive at the clinic. If you have any scans, x-rays or test results (including those from other hospitals) which relate to your current condition, please bring these to your appointment with you.

If your Consultant decides that you need an operation, you may be asked to attend the Pre-Operative Assessment Unit for a health check and to have any tests that are required to make sure that you are fit for surgery. When you are in the pre-operative assessment unit, you will be given information about your operation. If you have any questions about your operation please ask one of the nurses, and if you think of anything else you would like to ask after you have left the hospital please call 01722 336 262 ext. 4551.

Infection prevention and control

Salisbury Hospital takes the prevention and control of infection very seriously. Please do not visit the hospital if you have suffered from ‘flu like’ symptoms, diarrhoea or vomiting within the last 24 hours.

Please clean your hands with the hand gel that is provided before entering ward or clinic areas and do this again when you leave.

Preparing for your admission to hospital

Ask your doctor if any of your medication should be stopped before coming into hospital

  • Tell the ward staff in advance of any special needs you may have
  • Ask your GP or consultant if any of your medication should be stopped before coming into hospital.
  • Tell the department of social security if you receive income benefit. Follow the instructions on the back of your order book about admission to hospital
  • Follow the instructions on the back of your order book about admission to hospital
  • Arrange (if possible) for a relative or friend to bring you into hospital so that they can take away any clothes or property that you will not need during your stay
  • Mark personal property with your name so that it can easily be identified. Only bring items that you really need
  • A bedside locker is available but please note that space on the wards is very limited
  • Ask your family/friends/neighbours to collect post and keep an eye on your home

Before you come into hospital

 Please bring:

  • Your admission letter
  • If eligible, proof of entitlement to reimburse travel costs
  • All your current medication in their original containers (including any herbal medicines)
  • Clothes: comfortable day clothes and shoes, nightwear, dressing gown and slippers
  • Toiletries: towels and disposable flannels/cloths are provided
  • Glasses/contact lenses, hearing aid (if used)
  • Small change for newspapers etc
  • Mobility aids (if used)
  • Books, magazines, writing paper, pens, stamps
  • Mobile Phone and Charger


If you have concerns about your transport arrangements please call the patient transport office for advice on 01722 336262 ext 2152.

Valuables and money

Please do not bring any valuables or jewellery with you (apart from a wedding ring). If you do, items must be placed in the hospital safe, otherwise the hospital cannot guarantee their security. Do not leave valuables in your car, as the hospital will not accept responsibility for theft or damage to your vehicle or its contents.

When you arrive at the hospital

Your admission letter will tell you where to go when you arrive at the hospital, but if you are in any doubt please go to the reception desk at the main entrance and ask for directions. Volunteer guides may be available to escort you.

When you reach the ward

You will be welcomed by a member of the nursing staff or the ward clerk who will tell you about the ward and its daily routine. Patients are encouraged to dress during the day rather than wear night attire.

Your visitors

Please ask a member of staff for the times that visiting is permitted on your ward. Some wards have ‘protected mealtimes’. During these times patients are able to eat without being interrupted by non-urgent activity and staff can offer assistance.

A ‘keep in touch’ card is available on most wards. This gives details of visiting hours and telephone numbers.

Customer care department – Patient experience team

The customer care department offers on the spot advice for patients, their relatives and carers. The customer care team aims to sort out individual comments and concerns speedily. This allows us to learn from what people tell us so that the hospital can improve their services.

You can and talk to a member of the patient experience team on Level Two, Nunton Unit next to the discharge centre, Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. Freephone 0800 374208 or e-mail:

If you would like to make a formal complaint, you can either write to the Chief Executive or contact the Customer Care Team. The hospital has an open and honest approach to dealing with concerns and complaints. Please be assured that raising your concerns will not affect your care and treatment in any way.

A volunteer may ask you about the quality of care whilst you are in hospital. All responses are anonymous and results are quickly fed back to the team so that any necessary action can be taken straight away.